Silba adipata McAlpine

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Author: François DROUET.
Photographs: François DROUET.
All rights reserved.



143 figs infestation study (eggs)




According to the following plan: study purposes and conditions, eggs count, eggs implantation, ovipositions count, correlation between the number of larvae exit holes and the number of eggs, appendix : detail of ostiolar regions examinations and larvae exit holes counts.




During the summer of 2021, I decided to examine with a stereomicroscope the ostiolar region of a large number of immature figs infested by Silba adipata McAlpine (figs from my old fig trees having reached the stage of abscission). Fig trees: biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean', uniferous variety 'Bellone', uniferous variety 'Col de Dame Noire'. So, for two months (July and August). I collected the figs on the ground by performing a daily inspection under the fig trees. Knowing that some days there were no figs to collect.

My objective was to consolidate the observations made over the course of the previous six years, by studying eggs number and eggs physical distribution in figs, and trying to deduce the number of ovipositions per fig. I set myself as another objective to study the correlation between the number of larvae exit holes carried by a fig and the number of eggs laid by Silba adipata McAlpine inside it.

So, for each of the infested figs, I carried out the following operations: rmeasurement of the diameter with a Vernier caliper; recording of the larvae exit holes number; ostiolar scales and ostiolar canal examination with the stereomicroscope.

Examination under stereomicroscope of the ostiolar region of an immature fig infested by Silba adipata McAlpine.

Examination under stereomicroscope of the ostiolar region of an immature fig infested by Silba adipata McAlpine.


Ostiolar region of an immature fig infested by Silba adipata McAlpine, for examination under stereomicroscope.

Ostiolar region of an immature fig infested by Silba adipata McAlpine, for examination under stereomicroscope.

Total figs examined: 143, divided into 20 of the uniferous 'Bellone' variety, 77 of the biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' (second crop), and 46 of the uniferous 'Col de Dame Noire' variety. I found no unhatched eggs when examining the ostiolar region of all the figs, only empty eggs envelopes (chorions). I provide below the analyzes established from the detailed results of the infested figs examinations. Details of ostiolar regions examinations and larvae exit holes counts are provided in the appendix at the end of this chapter.

Silba adipata McAlpine: larva exit hole, on the left, and empty egg envelope under a raised ostiolar scale.

Silba adipata McAlpine: larva exit hole, on the left, and empty egg envelope under a raised ostiolar scale.
(explanation of the hole size: the larva is 9 times larger when it leaves the fig than at birth).





The decision to analyse the infestations was taken late (early July). As a result, for the 'Bellone' and 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' varieties, the observed abscissions are those of the figs attacked during phase 2 of the Silba adipata McAlpine attack pattern. During this phase, only a small percentage of attacks occurs, the majority of attacks being concentrated in phase 1 (intense attacks phase). And the number of eggs per oviposition is significantly lower during phase 2 than during phase 1. For the later variety 'Col de Dame Noire', on the contrary, the abscissions include all the figs attacked during the season (phases 1 and 2 of the attack model). Thus, analyses based on all the figs of the three varieties (143) would not make sense. The percentages and averages obtained would not be relevant to draw conclusions on the Silba adipata McAlpine behaviour. It is therefore appropriate to analyse the figs infestation of each variety separately, taking into account the above considerations.

For the 'Col de Dame Noire' 46 figs - Total laid eggs: 147. Average: 3.2 eggs per fig. Distribution - 1 egg: 7% of the figs (3 figs); 2 eggs: 30% (14 figs); 3 eggs: 24% (11 figs); 4 eggs: 22% (10 figs); 5 eggs: 13% (6 figs); more than 5 eggs: 4% (2 figs; detail: 6 eggs for 1 fig, 7 eggs for 1 fig).). Figs collected on the ground, from 20/07 to 30/08 inclusive.

For the 'Bellone' 20 figs - Total laid eggs: 40. Average: 2 eggs per fig. Distribution - 1 egg: 40% of the figs (8 figs); 2 eggs: 38% (54 figs); 3 eggs: 18% (26 figs); 4 eggs: 5% (1 fig); no figs containing 5 eggs, or more than 5 eggs. Figs collected on the ground, from 01/07 to 28/07 inclusive.

For the 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' 77 figs - Total laid eggs: 170. Average: 2.2 eggs per fig. Distribution - 1 egg: 29% of the figs (22 figs); 2 eggs: 44% (34 figs); 3 eggs: 14% (11 figs); 4 eggs: 5% (4 figs); 5 eggs: 7% (5 figs); more than 5 eggs: 1% (1 fig, detail: 6 eggs). Figs collected on the ground, from 03/07 to 21/08 inclusive.


The above count shows for the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety: 96% of the examined figs contain 1 to 5 eggs; 61% of them contain 1 to 3 eggs; the number of eggs most often present in a fig is 2. I note that the percentage of figs harboring more than 5 eggs (multiple ovipositions in the same fig) is very low, lesser than that I happen to observe. And the number of eggs contained in these figs is low (6 to 7 eggs), also lesser than that I happen to observe.

For the 'Bellone' and 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' varieties, the average number of eggs per fig, respectively 2 and 2.2, is significantly lower than that observed for the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety (3.2). This is explained by the fact that 65% of 'Bellone' figs and 73% of 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' figs contain 1 to 2 eggs, while this is the case for only 37% of 'Col de Dame Noire' figs. These observations confirm that Silba adipata McAlpine females that attack during the weeks of phase 2 are less fertile than those that attack during the previous 2 to 3 weeks (phase 1). Being emphasized that the fact that attacks are in lower numbers during phase 2 has no impact on the average number of eggs laid per fig.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 empty eggs envelopes stuk under an ostiolar scale which has been raised.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 empty eggs envelopes stuk under an ostiolar scale which has been raised.
(reddened immature fig).






I call "first level" ostiolar scales the scales which are located on the surface of the fig (these are the highest ostiolar scales). The first level scales can slightly overlap at the tip. They are thick, leathery, and often reddish in color (entirely or at the edges). And I call "second level" ostiolar scales those which are just below the first level scales. Largely or completely covered by the first level ostiolar scales, they are quite tough or quite tender depending on the variety. Their color is generally greenish, partially reddish for certain varieties. Below the second level ostiolar scales are thin scales, softer than the previous ones, light green in color. Horizontally arranged, they precede the ostiolar canal scales (vertical and whitish). They are never the subject of an egg deposit. See the chapter providing photographs of the ostiolar scales types, of the ostiolar canal, and of eggs laid under the two types of ostiolar scales and in the ostiolar canal.


For the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety: 78% of the 46 examined figs (36 figs) harbor eggs only under first level ostiolar scales; 13% (6 figs) harbor eggs only under second level ostiolar scales; 7% (3 figs) harbor eggs under first and second level ostiolar scales; 2% (1 fig) harbor eggs in the ostiolar canal alone.


The results confirm my regular observations: very high occurrence of the presence of eggs under first level scales (more than three quarters of the examined figs), low occurrence of this under second level scales, rarity of this in the ostiolar canal.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 4 chorions under 1 first level ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 4 chorions under 1 first level ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.
(fig collected from the ground; biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean', second crop).


Silba adipata McAlpine: 2 chorions under 1 second level ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 2 chorions under 1 second level ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.
(fig collected from the ground; biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean', second crop).




For the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety: 54% of the 46 examined figs (25 figs) harbor eggs under a single ostiolar scale; 33% (15 figs) harbor eggs under 2 ostiolar scales; 11% (5 figs) harbor eggs under three ostiolar scales; 2% (1 fig) harbor eggs in the ostiolar canal alone.


The above count shows that all the eggs are grouped under a single ostiolar scale for a little more than half of the figs, that they are distributed under 2 ostiolar scales for a third of them; and under 3 ostiolar scales in cases of low occurrence. I note that for no fig in the examined batch the number of used ostiolar scales is greater than 3. For figs containing a maximum of 5 eggs, I have never observed a number of used ostiolar scales greater than 3, and I noted that the cases of 3 used ostiolar scales are always few.

For figs containing more than 5 eggs, it is common for the eggs to be sheltered under 1 to 3 ostiolar scales, as is the case for the 2 figs of this type found in the batch of 46 figs. But I regularly observe figs of this type with the eggs distributed under more than 3 ostiolar scales. I also note that none of the figs in the examined batch simultaneously harbors eggs in the ostiolar canal and under one or more ostiolar scales, but I had the opportunity to observe this case of eggs implantation.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 chorions distributed under 3 ostiolar scales of a reddened immature fig.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 chorions distributed under 3 ostiolar scales of a reddened immature fig.
(fig collected from the ground; biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean', second crop).

Particular observation (figs containig 5 eggs).

For the 'Col de Dame Noire' figs (46 figs; including 6 figs containing 5 eggs, i.e. 13%) - Distribution : the figs containing 5 eggs grouped under a single ostiolar scale are 3 in number, i.e. 7% of the 46 figs; there is only 1 fig containing 5 eggs distributed under 2 ostiolar scales, i.e. 2%; the figs containing 5 eggs distributed under 3 ostiolar scales are 2 in number, i.e. 4%. The distribution according to the number of used scales within the batch of 6 figs containing 5 eggs is as follows: 1 scale: 50%; 2 scales: 17%, 3 scales: 33%.

For the entire batch of 143 figs (including 11 figs containing 5 eggs, i.e. 8%) - Distribution : 5 figs containing 5 eggs grouped under a single ostiolar scale, i.e. 4% of the 143 figs; 3 figs containing 5 eggs distributed under 2 ostiolar scales, i.e. 2%; 3 figs containing 5 eggs distributed under 3 ostiolar scales, i.e. 2%. The distribution according to the number of used scales within the batch of 11 figs containing 5 eggs is as follows: 1 scale: 46%; 2 scales: 27%, 3 scales: 27%.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 chorions under 1 single ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 5 chorions under 1 single ostiolar scale of a reddened immature fig.
(fig collected from the ground; biferous variety 'Grise de la Saint-Jean', second crop).




For the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety, when a single ostiolar scale covers all the eggs (54% of 46 examined figs; 25 figs), I count: 1 egg in 8% of cases (2 figs out of 25); 2 eggs in 44% of cases (11 figs); 3 eggs in 24% of cases (6 figs); 4 eggs in 12% of cases (3 figs); 5 eggs in 12% of cases (3 figs).

When all the eggs are disseminated under two ostiolar scales (33% of 46 examined figs; 15 figs), I count: 2 eggs in 20% of cases - 3 figs out of 15 (1,1); 3 eggs in 33% of cases - 5 figs (1,2, i.e. 1 egg under one scale and 2 eggs under the other); 4 eggs in 33% of cases - 5 figs, including 3 figs (2,2) and 2 figs (1,3); 5 eggs in 7% of cases - 1 fig (2,3); 7 eggs in 7% of cases - 1 fig (2,5).

When all the eggs are disseminated under three ostiolar scales (11% of 46 examined figs; 5 figs), I count: 4 eggs in 40% of cases - 2 figs out of 5 (1,1,2); 5 eggs in 40% of cases - 2 figs, (1,2,2) and (1,1,3); 6 eggs in 20% of cases - 1 fig (1,2,3). No fig contains 3 eggs.

When the eggs are located in the ostiolar canal (2% of 46 examined figs; 1 fig), I count: 1 egg.


I note that when the eggs are sheltered under 1 ostiolar scale, it is most often 2 eggs (44% of cases). For 2 ostiolar scales, it is most often 3 eggs, or 4 eggs (33% of cases, equal). And, for 3 ostiolar scales, it is most often 4 eggs, or 5 eggs (40% of cases, equal).

Silba adipata McAlpine: 2 groups of 2 empty eggs envelopes, under 2 raised ostiolar scales.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 2 groups of 2 empty eggs envelopes, under 2 raised ostiolar scales.
 (on the left, an ostiolar scale not raised). 





When examining the ostiolar regions (detailed results provided at the end of the chapter), I counted the ovipositions for each of the figs, using a method that I developed (based on the number of eggs contained in the fig, and on their implantation under the ostiolar scales or in the ostiolar canal). This method is imperfect, but allows a plausible approximation of the number of ovipositions to which a fig has been subjected (in the form of ranges in a certain number of cases).

Number of ovipositions per fig, for the 'Col de Dame Noire' variety (46 figs) - 1 oviposition: 57% (26 figs); 1 to 2 ovipositions: 30% (14 figs); 1 to 3 ovipositions: 9% (4 figs); 2 ovipositions: 2% (1 fig); 2 to 3 ovipositions: 2% (1 fig).


Among the 26 figs (57% of the examined batch of 46 figs) having been the subject of only one oviposition, 3 figs (7%) contain only one egg (one of which contains the egg in the ostiolar canal). For the others (23, i.e. 50% of the examined batch), the single oviposition includes several eggs. The identification of the single oviposition then results from the 2021 version of the counting method (for figs containing up to 5 eggs, hypothesis of a single oviposition in the case of a fig sheltering all the eggs under a single ostiolar scale, without taking into account the arrangement and appearance of the chorions to detect a possible ovipositions plurality). Knowing that for cases of 2 or 3 eggs grouped under a single scale, it can be considered that it is most often a single oviposition (eggs coming from a single female). And being emphasized that for cases of 4 or 5 eggs grouped under a single scale, the possible margin of error applies to at most 13% of the examined batch (6 figs / 46).

Another consideration: the number of figs for which 1 to n ovipositions were detected is 18 (14 with 1 to 2, and 4 with 1 to 3). These are 14 figs sheltering eggs under 2 scales, and 4 figs sheltering eggs under 3 scales. Being specified that in both cases, the number of eggs contained in the fig is at most 5 (a number of eggs greater than 5 generating the detection of at least 2 ovipositions). For these 18 figs (39% of the examined batch), the ovipositions counting method results in a range of values, due to the impossibility of knowing precisely how many ovipositions correspond to the eggs deposits under several ostiolar scales. If we consider only either the lowest value or the highest value of the two recorded ranges of values, we obtain a total of 48 and 71 ovipositions respectively. The examined batch of 46 figs therefore underwent at least 48 ovipositions (i.e. an average of approximately 1 oviposition per fig), and at most 71 ovipositions (i.e. an average of approximately 1.5 ovipositions per fig).

What about the multiple ovipositions rate? In the current state (summer 2021) of my observations and deductions, I do not have any clues to estimate the proportion of the 18 figs that have only undergone one oviposition (visit by a single female). Assuming that this were the case for all of these figs, the total number of figs that have only undergone one oviposition would be 44 (26 + 18), which would set the number of figs that have undergone more than one oviposition at 2 (the fig containing 7 chorions, for which 2 ovipositions were detected; and the fig containing 6 chorions, with 2 to 3 ovipositions). That is a rate of multiple ovipositions of 4% (2 / 46). This is the minimum rate of multiple ovipositions, knowing that the maximum rate of this is 43% (18 + 2 / 46; case where all 18 figs would have undergone more than one oviposition, an unlikely hypothesis).

Silba adipata McAlpine: 6 empty eggs envelopes under a single ostiolar scale, which has been raised.

Silba adipata McAlpine: 6 empty eggs envelopes (2 ovipositions), under a single ostiolar scale, which has been raised.
(the raised ostiolar scale is at the top of the photograph).




The study of the correlation between the number of larvae exit holes carried by the figs and the number of eggs deposited in them was carried out on 139 figs. Indeed, 4 figs were excluded from this study: 3 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' figs (collected from the tree, without larvae exit holes), and 1 'Bellone' fig (collected from the ground, and on which it was not possible to detect a larva exit hole). The detailed analysis are provided in a specific chapter.

In summary, it appears that a little more than half of the figs attacked by Silba adipata McAlpine show a number of larvae exit holes lower than the number of eggs deposited in the fig. This phenomenon concerns all figs containing 5 eggs or more, and approximately 70% of figs containing 2 eggs, 3 eggs, or 4 eggs. It should be noted that it does not concern figs containing 1 egg.

Concerning the observed differences: for figs containing 2 eggs, the difference can only be 1; for figs containing 3 to 5 eggs: significant occurrence of all possible differences for the considered category (except the difference of 1 for figs with 5 eggs, an exception that could be explained by an insufficiently large number of figs of this type in the studied batch).

Silba adipata McAlpine: infested immature fig, afer abscission - 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' variety, second crop.

Silba adipata McAlpine: infested immature fig, afer abscission - 'Grise de la Saint-Jean' variety, second crop.
(note the larva exit hole).




'Bellone' variety.

01/07/2021 (abscission date)  - diameter: 2.3 cm - 1 larva exit hole (1 leh) - 4 empty eggs envelopes in the fig (4 EEE) - Distribution: 2 empty eggs envelopes (2 EEE) under an ostiolar scale 1 (OS1) of level 1 (L1) + 1 empty egg envelope (1 EEE) under an ostiolar scale 2 (OS2) of level 1 (L1) + 1 empty egg envelope (1 EEE) under an ostiolar scale 3 (OS3) of level 1 (L1). That is 1 to 3 ovipositions distributed under 3 ostiolar scales of level 1 (3 OS L1).

01/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1).

01/07 - 2.2 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

01/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1).

03/07 - 2.3 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

03/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

03/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

04/07 - 2.4 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE + 1 dead larva - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 1 EEE on the surface near the ostiole, with an intact dead larva. That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (1 OS L1 + epidermis).

04/07 - 2.2 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OSL1).

05/07 - 2.2 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE in the ostiolar canal, vertical position. That is 1 oviposition (ostiolar canal).

05/07 - 2.4 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

05/07 - 2 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

06/07 - 2.2 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

06/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

06/07 - 2.2 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

07/07 - 2.2 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

13/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to  2 ovipositions (2 OS L1).

18/07 - 1.4 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).

19/07 - 2.1cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE in the ostiolar canal, vertical position. That is 1 oviposition (ostiolar canal).

28/07 - 1.9 cm - 0 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).


'Grise de la Saint-Jean' variety (second crop).

03/07 - 2.2 cm - 3 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 03/07 - 2.4 cm - 3 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 04/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 04/07 - 2.4 cm - 3 leh - 6 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L2) + 3 EEE OS3 (L2) . That is 2 to 3 ovipositions (1 OS L1, 2 OS L2). // 04/07 - 2.3 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 04/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 04/07 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 04/07 - 2 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1) + 1 EEE OS3 (L2) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (2 OS L1. 1 OS L2). // 05/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/07 - 2.1 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 06/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 06/07 - 1.7 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 06/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 06/07 - 2.1 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1) + 1 EEE OS3 (L1) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1). // 06/07 - 1.9 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 07/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 07/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 1 EEE OS2 (L1)  . That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 07/07 - 1.9 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 07/07 - 2 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 4 EEE OS2 (L1)  . That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 07/07 - 1.6 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 07/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 07/07 - 1.9 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 08/07 - 1.7 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 08/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 08/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 08/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 08/07 - 2.2 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 08/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 09/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 09/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 10/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 10/07 - 1.4 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 10/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 11/07 - 1.7 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 11/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 13/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 13/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 13/07 - 1.5 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 13/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 14/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 14/07 - 1.4 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.6 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 14/07 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 15/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 15/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 15/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 15/07 - ripe fig - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 17/07 - 1.6 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 17/07 - 1.6 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 20/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 21/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 21/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 24/07 - 2.3 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 24/07 - 2.4 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 24/07 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 25/07 - 2.2 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 04/08 - ripe fig - 2.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 04/08 - 2.3 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 04/08 - 2.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 04/08 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/08 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/08 - 1.5 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 05/08 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/08 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE on the epidermis, near an ostiolar scale of level 1. That is 1 oviposition (on epidermis). // 09/08 - 2.4 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 09/08 - ripe fig - 2.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 09/08 - ripe fig - 3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 09/08 - ripe fig - 3 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 21/08 - ripe fig - 2.4 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 21/08 - ripe fig - 2.5 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).


'Col de Dame Noire' variety.

20/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 20/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 4 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 20/07 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 21/07 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1/L2). // 22/07 - 2.3 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  3 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 22/07 - 2.1 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 22/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 23/07 - 1.9 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE in the ostiolar canal. That is 1 oviposition in the ostiolar canal. // 24/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 25/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 25/07 - 2.3 cm - 2 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions  (2 OS L1). // 25/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1) // 27/07 - 2.3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 28/07 - 1.7 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 28/07 - 1.9 cm - 3 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 4 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/07 - 2.1 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/07 - 2 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 30/07 - 2.1 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/07 - 2 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1) +  2 EEE OS3 (L2) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1/L1/L2). // 30/07 - 1.7 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 30/07 - 1.7 cm - 3 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L1) +  EEE OS3 (L1) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1). // 30/07 - 1.8 cm - 1 leh - 1 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 31/07 - 2 cm - 4 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 4 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 31/07 - 1.8 cm - 2 leh - 7 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L1). That is 2 ovipositions (1 OS L1 / 1 OS1). // 31/07 - 2.1 cm - 4 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 31/07 - 1.7 cm - 2 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L2) +  EEE OS2 (L2). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L2). // 01/08 - 2 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 01/08 - 2 cm - 4 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 01/08 - 2 cm - 3 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 02/08 - 2.2 cm - 4 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L2) +  2 EEE OS3 (L1) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1/L2/L1). // 02/08 - 1.6 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) + 1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 04/08 - 2.4 cm - 3 leh - 6 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1) +  3 EEE OS3 (L1). That is 2 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1). // 04/08 - 2.4 cm - 2 leh - 5 EEE - Dist: 5 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/08 - 2 cm - 0 leh (fig picked from the tree) - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L2). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L2). // 05/08 - 2 cm - 0 leh (fig picked from the tree) - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 05/08 - 2.1 cm - 0 leh (fig picked rom the tree) - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 07/08 - 2 cm - 1 leh  - 3 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  2 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 07/08 - 2.1 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 25/08 - ripe fig - 2.1 cm - 2 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 27/08 - 2.3 cm - 3 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1) +  1 EEE OS3 (L1) . That is 1 to 3 ovipositions (3 OS L1). // 30/08 - ripe fig - 3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 2 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1). // 30/08 - ripe fig - 3 cm - 1 leh - 2 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  1 EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 30/08 - ripe fig - 3.2 cm - 1 leh - 4 EEE - Dist: 1 EEE OS1 (L1) +  EEE OS2 (L1). That is 1 to 2 ovipositions (2 OS L1). // 30/08 - ripe fig - 3.1 cm - 1 leh - 3 EEE - Dist: 3 EEE OS1 (L1). That is 1 oviposition (1 OS L1).



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