Silba adipata McAlpine

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Author: François DROUET.
Photographs: François DROUET,
unless indicated.
All rights reserved.









In France, according to the European Union phytosanitary regulations, and the French ones which can be more restrictive, the only active substance which can be used for sprays against fruit flies on the fig tree is Deltamethrin - 15 g/l (at the date of the writing of this chapter: 2021). Commercial products: Decis Protech (Pearl Protech, Split Protech) of Bayer SAS ; and its generics Decline 1.5 EW (Jabal), and Deltastar (Vivatrine EW). This chemical is prohibited for the amateurs' orchards, and for the professional organic figs producers. It is uniquely used by the non-organic professional figs producers.

It is the most widely used control method against the Black Fig Fly in the commercial orchards. According to the figs producers with whom I am in contact, it gives good results: it does not eliminate crop losses, but it significantly reduces them. The regulatory dosage is 0,083 l/hl, and the last treatment must be carried out at least 14 days before the harvest. Maximum authorized for the season: 3 treatments. An agricultural engineer consultant told me that for the product to be really effective against the Black Fig Fly, it is imperative to perform a sequence of three immediatly consecutive treatments in the season. I cannot, of course, verify this information.

I usually observe 1 to 3 black fig flies on one fig tree, 4 to 5 at certain periods in the season. I only observed twice the presence of 6 black fig flies, and once the presence of 7 and of 8 of these (the flies have been gathered using latex oozings on a fig tree twig of the year, and on a fig tree leaf petiole).

Black Fig Fly (Silba adipata McAlpine) : six flies on a fig tree twig of the year.

Six black fig flies being on a fig tree at the same time, gathered on a twig of the year by latex oozings.


Black Fig Fly (Silba adipata McAlpine) : six flies on a fig tree leaf petiole.

Six black fig flies being on a fig tree at the same time, gathered on a broken leaf petiole (latex oozing).




In France, according to the European Union phytosanitary regulations, and the French ones which can be more restrictive, there are only four insecticide traps which can be used against fruit flies on the fig tree (at the date of the writing of this chapter: 2021). They are uniquely authorized for the professional figs producers (they are prohibited for the amateurs’ orchards). Commercial names: Vio-trap; Decis Trap DS; Flypack suzukii; Flypack Ficus. They are ready-to-use-traps, intended to be hung in the tree without any preparation (single use). The four traps can be used by the organic figs producers.

Vio-Trap (of DAKOFAKA): the trap contains 0,125 g/kg of deltamethrin and 21 g/kg of hydrolyzed proteins. Autthorization date: June 15, 2013. It exists two versions of this trap: the green one (for the olive fly), and the yellow one (initially intended for the medfly) – the figs producers use the yellow version.

Black Fig Fly (Silba adipata McAlpine) : insecticide trap "Vio-trap".

Vio-trap trap model on a fig tree.
 Credit: figs producers association « AOP Figue de Solliès ».

Decis Trap DS (of BAYER SAS): the trap contains 0,015 g of deltamethrin and three food attractants (acetoin, methional, ethyl acetate). It exists several versions for the Decis Trap, note that it is the DS one (authorization: June 14, 2021).

Flypack suzukii (of SEDQ): the trap is designed for Drosophila suzukii Matsumura control. We must prefer the Flypack Ficus trap, marketed by the same company for the Silba adipata McAlpine control..

Flypack Ficus (of SEDQ): the trap contains 0,015 g of deltamethrin and two diffusers (food attractant and hexanol). Recently authorized (April 15, 2021). The inner surface of the transparent trap cover is impregnated with the insecticide. This trap has been specifically designed for the Silba adipata McAlpine control by the SEDQ spanish company. It has been tested in the main French commercial figs orchards by the figs producers association « AOP Figue de Solliès ». The tests, which were carried out under the control of the regional agricultural technical service, show that using this trap reduces the crop damage by 50 %. Implementation rules by the « Figue de Solliès » producers: 80 traps/ha, early June, duration of use: 120 days.

Flypack Ficus trap (SEDQ), against the Black Fig Fly.

Flypack Ficus trap on a fig tree.
 Credit: Alain COSTA.


Flypack Ficus trap (SEDQ), against the Black Fig Fly..

Flypack Ficus  trap components.
  Credit: Alain COSTA.


Flypack Ficus trap (SEDQ), against the Black Fig Fly.

Flypack Ficus trap components.
  Credit: Alain COSTA.


Note: Spinosad (well known and efficient product for the organic growers) is not authorized in France for the fig tree (at the date of the writing of this chapter: 2021). An authorization request is being prepared for the European Union phytosanitory authorities by an association of organic figs producers of the southwest French region. 



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